Things about ME!

 Name:Jasmin Schneider (D:) (Jassy Scissorx)

Age/Birthday:I was born in the year 1996 on the 7th of December so I'm 14
Born in:I was born in a big city in Germany.

Hobbys/interests:I love singin/dancing/acting/songwriting/Make-Up and entertaining.I love Adam Lambert and Jessie J.
Music:Adam Lambert,Jessie J and JEDWARD
others:fave colour green,dream is to be a Popstar and meet Jessie and Adam and perform with them.
was on a casting show this year but it  didnt worked (they just picked people who are good for TV)
I love colouring my hair and this Website.

Contact me here:



or with my e-mail adress: [email protected] or [email protected]

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